Vibrations WEA rotor blade Natural vibration on a coupling element Natural oscillation at expansion compensator Vibration of power station screen
During their use, machines and buildings are exposed to influences from the normal operating process and the prevailing environmental conditions, which can cause them to vibrate. In order to guarantee the service life of components intended by the manufacturer, in particular with simultaneous material savings, we test the influence of external stimuli on the vibrations generated in the component.
Above all, it must be determined whether resonances occur, whether the component strength is sufficient in relation to the fanned-up vibration voltages, or which solution is best to avoid overloading.
Furthermore, a preview of the vibration motion is required to determine the serviceability of many applications.
For all these cases, we can determine the decisive parameters such as vibration acceleration and frequency as well as deflection and loads, taking damping into account.
The combination of the numerical investigations with our vibration measurements supports in many cases the evaluation of the real situation as well as the calculation model.